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Electronic Noticing



What does electronic notification mean?

By registering for electronic notification, you will be waiving your right to receive service of documents by first class mail, according to Federal Rule Civil Procedure 5(b)(2)(E).  Instead, you will be sent notices of electronic filing via e-mail.  In your e-mail mailbox, the notice will come from DCD_ECFNotice and the subject will be Activity in Case [xx]-cv-[xxx].

Upon receipt of a notice, you will be permitted one free look at the document by clicking on the hyperlinked document number, at which time you should print or save the document to avoid future charges.  The one free look will expire in 15 days from the date the notice was sent.  After the free look is used or expired, the document can be accessed by you through PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) and you may be charged to view the document.  It is strongly recommended that you establish a PACER account by visiting the PACER website at, so that you can view, print, and download documents at any time for a nominal fee.

Because you will be receiving court-issued documents only in electronic form, you must maintain a valid e-email address and regularly check your e-mail. 

Electronic service does not allow you to file documents electronically.  You must continue to file all communications regarding your case in paper copy with the Court and serve the opposing party. 

To be eligible you must:

1. Have one or more cases pending in the District of Columbia;

2. Have a valid e-mail address;

3. Not be currently incarcerated;

4. Have regular access to a computer; and

5. Have a case that has been assigned a judge.

If you are eligible and wish to receive electronic notification of court issued documents, complete the registration form below for each case you want to receive electronic notifications and return the form(s) to the Court.

Registration Form

Note: Electronic notification is NOT eligible for the following:
 Immigration cases
•    Social Security cases
•    Sealed cases