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Maximum Transcript Rates

Transcript Rates Per Page

Effective October 1, 2024 Original First Copy to Each Party Each Additional Copy to Same Party
30-Day Transcript (Ordinary)
A transcript to be delivered within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of an order.
$4.40 $1.10 $.75
14-Day Transcript
A transcript to be delivered within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of an order.
$5.10 $1.10 $.75
7-Day Transcript (Expedited)
A transcript to be delivered within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of an order.
$5.85 $1.10 $.75
3-Day Transcript
A transcript to be delivered within three (3) calendar days after receipt of an order.
$6.55 $1.30 $.90
Next-Day Transcript (Daily)
A transcript to be delivered on the calendar day following receipt of the order (regardless of whether that calendar day is a weekend or holiday), prior to the normal opening hour of the clerk's office.
$7.30 $1.45 $1.10
2-Hour Transcript (Hourly)
A transcript of proceedings to be delivered within two (2) hours from the receipt of the order.
$8.70 $1.45 $1.10
Realtime Transcript
A draft unedited transcript produced by a certified realtime reporter as a byproduct of realtime to be delivered electronically during a proceedings or immediately following receipt of the order.
One feed1: $3.70;
Two-to-Four feeds: $2.55;
Five or more feeds: $1.80
n/a n/a

1A real-time feed is the electronic data flow from the court reporter to the computer of each person or party ordering and receiving the real-time transcription in the courtroom.

Transcript Formats Available for order are full page, condensed, electronic formats, and word index. Condensed versions of transcripts are available with order of original hardcopy transcript.

Transcript Delivery Financial arrangements must be made with the reporter at the time of request.

Any questions relating to transcripts or court reporting services can be directed to the Supervisor’s Office, 202-354-3044.